Thank You!
With 100% of all donations going only to our projects, we are truly reliant upon the generosity and selflessness of our international groups of volunteers, donors, patrons and Trustees.
Since 2007, VITAL has worked tirelessly for Better Childhoods, Brighter Futures across Kolkata and none of our achievements could have been possible without YOU.
From Recitals to Triathlons, from Sponsored Planks to HIIT classes, from Dinners at the House of Lords to Poetry Nights, and from University Talent Shows to accompanying us on trips to Kolkata and seeing first-hand the impact that your VITAL donations have created, we thank you from the bottom of our and hope that you will continue to support our children for years to come.
Below are some images of events- past and present. Join us for a walk down memory lane, as we celebrate some of our wonderful supporters!

VITAL Recital and Dance Performance

December 2009

VITAL Recital and Dance Performance