VITAL Clinic
In October 2017 VITAL opened the Saavan Mundae Clinic in rural Anirban, where hundreds of children and families are cut off from all medical aid. Click here to donate!

In June 2018 the Festival Medical Services awarded us a grant of £13,082 to fully-fund our Eye Outpatient Department and the related Camps! On the day of Inauguration alone, 112 patients from the surrounding villages attended. In April 2019, the Ratanben Zaverchand Kara Foundation have granted us £10,000 to fund our Pharmacy!

Success: Since we began the project 9 years ago no child has followed their mothers' footsteps into second generation prostitution
What we will do
The Clinic Project will provide fundamental care to patients with life-threatening illnesses. We expect to treat a large number of patients who have illnesses related to dirty water or malnutrition such as gastritis, diarrhoea, Hepatitis A, enteric fever, intestinal worms and eye and skin infections. We will also work specifically with those affected by STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and RTI (Reproductive Tract Infection) and this project will be implemented with the Anirban Rural Welfare Society. Together, we will work to achieve the 3rd United Nations Sustainable Development- Good Health & Well-Being, by:
Providing basic health care services, free of charge for the poor.
Running health campaigns, focusing on the challenges faced by women and children in the local area.
Equipping our pharmacy, so that the project is self-sustainable within 5 years of full-funding.
Choosing the project
Those living in rural areas are more prone to poor health, because of their difficult working and living conditions, coupled with poor access to the most basic of amenities, water and sanitation and limited knowledge of their health care entitlements. With the next closest hospital being over an hour away, expensive and typically lacking key medical equipment, there has been a slow increase in deaths in the Anirban area. This is more so for children and women, as India's socio-economic culture means that women remain reluctant to disclose medical problems for fear of being perceived as economic burdens.
Between 2016 and 2017, our research led us to identify a strong need for a new hospital and outpatient departments which are easily accessible, free for those living below the poverty line and equipped to tackle the main illnesses of the surrounding villages.